Thursday, September 29, 2011

Autumn Reckoning

Hot air swirls up from the south
Iowa harvest of corn in the fields
dancing sweet and buttery in my mouth
Am I ready for it all to end?
Am I ready for the colors to turn

from fresh to fierce
green to gold
clear to copper to crimson
crackle crackle crackle
says the hay beneath my feet;
and the August sun strains to bake
the dry and browning earth
but weakening, daylight waning
Autumn tickling the trees

teasing the sky to dark upon dark
upon dark
I know whether or not I'm ready
Autumn will conquer my soul again
With her stealthy seductive footfalls
and her Samhain-scented embrace.


  1. Nice first poem! Welcome to the site, Lauren!

  2. I miss Autumn SO MUCH. Thank you for sharing, and welcome!

  3. Alright! Thanks for contributing and welcome!
