Friday, October 23, 2009

Soliloquy of an Irate Second-Grade Chess Champion

"See here, fucker.

In my other life, I was 
the Kryptonic fear in 
Superman's eyes.  I was 
Optimus Prime's worst nightmare.  I could
crush you with the sheer
balls-poppin' grip of my

You don't wanna move your rook there.

You really wanna test the wrath of this
Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger?
I got skillz, buttbrain.

I will eat your soul
for breakfast, lunch
and dinner.
Don't think I won't.
Will TOO.
Look how many of your li'l 
pathetic, wasted peons I killded
with my bare hands.

Don't you FUCKING laugh at me.
I will so bust out my can of 
second-grade Ninja Turtle whoop-ass 
on your skinny li'l
weasel face.  And I'll tell Miz Rose
you fell outta your chair
and my King just happened to be sittin'
on the floor 
where your ass-crack landed.

Who's she gonna believe?
The li'l weasel boy who sucks at chess?
I don't THINK so.

Your move, hot shit.  Wait--no!

No way, no way in poopy HELL you just 
moved your doo-doo headed bishop
to my knight
you sonuvabitch!

That's IT!  You were warned,
stupid clowny weasel boy.
So now...
I'm gonna tell on your jerky ass 
so fast
you won't know what hit you."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For Those Who Still Imagine

Give me Don Quixote
Hallowed romantic saint

Give me Godzilla
Before I even knew of pollution

Give me Mutant League Football
All exploding bodies and blood stains

Give me Grim Fandango
Skeletons and Cigarettes

Give me Calvin
The comic-strip character
Not the religious figure

Give me Holden Caulfield
And everyone else that knows
All adults are crummy

Give me Ren and Stimpy
Give me Count Chocula
Give me Ghost Rider

Give me Toejam and Earl
Give me Boba Fett
Give me Jack Skellington
Give me R. L. Stine
Give me

Bilbo fucking Baggins

This is for those that can still remember
This is for those that can still imagine
They have not got us yet

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Ballad of Lego Man: A Forbidden Love


He saw her and knew.

There were no words, as he spoke not at all,
and she, reduced to gestures of hands and fingers
learned to speak with her eyes.
And they were full of a tenderness
so profound
he would have shed plastic tears
had he possessed the capability for emotional expression.

She saw him in a toy store,
a plastic Atlas holding up the Lego World display,
standing alone and strong 
among the cold and indifferent GI Joes and Barbies
who snickered ruthlessly behind stiff paddle hands
attached to bendable limbs.

The feel of her warm hand
in his plastic appendage
sealed their fate.


The security guard's brow
lifted with questions
as the bell above the door jingled with her entrance.

Three months,
the same pattern--not a day
He yearned to speak to her of his dreams
of a life beyond the toy section,
to take her dancing,
to tell her he thought her
She so desired to show him
a world full of movement,
of warmth,
of sunlight after a
world lived under fluorescent bulbs.

And among the overflowing, colorful 
flower-beds of merchandise,
Their love grew.


That fateful day.
A flurry of hands grasped her arms,
pulled her screaming from his embrace,
Judgmental voices read her rights
as he looked on in horror.
Weeping, she was escorted from his world,
handcuffed and disgraced.
Had anyone looked back, they would have seen
a plastic hand outstretched,
and anguish etched in Lego eyes.


She covered her eyes, shutting out
the searing white walls,
the padded corners, blinding lights,
the barren expanse of the room
that echoed the barren void of her heart.

Her mind drifted
to loving black painted eyes,
the solid reassurance of his breast,
the sheltered cage of his extended limbs
and the love she had known there.

A love so pure
it transcended flesh and plastic.

A sudden crash--
Alarms shattered the heavy silence,
drowning out the visceral screams of terror
muffled by the heavy padded door.

She sprang to her bare feet,
as the door blew off its hinges
and he shuffled stiffly in

with arms outstretched.

He lifted her.  And was lifted.
Something close to a heartbeat
thudding in his hollow plastic torso
as everything he'd ever desired or felt
came rushing back
in an instant.

The screams had died away.
The survivors, doctors, nurses, orderlies,
stood slack-jawed in wonder
as he emerged from the hospital room prison 
cradling his beloved.
His eyes spoke volumes--
were we able to understand,
we would have heard:

"Lego Men love, too."

Monday, October 12, 2009

More pictures, from the Internets this time...

Hoping that something will inspire someone; these are not from my personal collection of photos but from a generic Google image search. I'm having fun with this, you should to. Links to sources below.

Robot Love
Bird Love
Angry Chess

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I promised more pictures, so I deliver

Last week I promised more pictures to inspire, so this week I deliver. Feel free to use the pics from last week if you haven't gotten around to it yet, but there are more with this post if those didn't catch your fancy. Enjoy, inspire, write, create, poem yourself. (Yes, I just made poem a verb.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

the urban animal runs free

the urban animal runs free.

through gutters, alleys, and timbering trees.

she sits atop shopping carts


and then dashes for

dropped crumbs

that we don’t know

we’ve lost.

up ahead of the creek.

a chipmunk.

a small thin frame

lined with slick brown fur

a white stripe along the spine.

but now, a spine pressed down

by my bike tire.

down by the river.

a fierce white bald eagle.

smoldering wing span.

her gust thrashes against my face.

i look down to the banks of the river

only wicked wires and waste.

there is no place to make a home.

down in the garden.

a worm.

small but gracefully erect.

digging up the soil

i pull out bricks and leaves

while she looks up at me

with a quiet plea.

a home now gone.

thrown in a plastic bag by the garbage can.

over in the bushes.

a mole.

rugged brown hair with a slight wobble.

she darts past my crouched knees.

i tremble.

at home that i am now removing.

the untimely death

the absence of a home

the removal of your resting place

this is the real cage.

no locked doors. no feeding schedules.

it is a cage i have made.

even if the urban animal runs free.

Monday, October 5, 2009

ABC Poem: A Giraffe, an Elephant, and a Hippo

A giraffe went out one day
Before the skies got gray
Could not see the children
Drive their bikes away
Elephant wanted to be Giraffe's
Giraffe said to Elephant
Hippo is more like you anyway; Elephant replied:
I don't like Hippo; I want you to stay
Just then Hippo approached Elephant
Kindly, will you tell me why dear Elephant
Love yourself and love me too
Much I see myself in you
Never will I mope about
Other creatures look so stout
Privately, we dance and sing
Quietly, remarks about our weight do sting
Repulsed by other skinny folks, we pachyderms
Stoutly boast
Try being fat and leathery for a day
Usually we are quite gay
Very quickly Elephant realized his mistake
Wondered politely over Hippo's way
Xenophobia: it was in fact his flaw
You are truly beautiful; so am I
Zoos around the world will never be the same

Author's note: An ABC poem is one in which each line of the poem begins with the next chronological letter in the alphabet. Try it. It's much harder than it looks! Taking risks here, people.

The giraffe with poor self-esteem: A Limerick, of sorts

There once was a giraffe named Jack
Who had to hide is desires out back
He went far away
And did not come to play
Until he was painted black

My Feeble Attempt at Cinquain

Starting over
Must rebuild soon
Heart-breaking, desperate, lonely, lifeless

Demolition: A Haiku

This roof stands proud
Its life beaten by strong winds
Only one choice left

My Turn

They tell me I am a child
That I can't do anything
Well, what do they know?

I stand in front of the giraffe
Sucker in hand--strawberry--my favorite flavor
Hoping to reach as tall
As the animal before me

What do they know?
I learn-ed from Mrs. Peabody at school that giraffes eat leaves
And their height works for them
That gots to count for something

Can I? I can!
Be a zookeeper--a vet?
A poet
A artist--Mrs. P. always says my drawings rock her world --
When I grow up
When I grow up
When I grow up
I hate those words

I can also be a mommy too.
Can I save lives?

This scarf is scratchy.
So is this hood.
Why did sissy make me wear this jacket?

They say "Hush Child."
They say "Go Play."
But it's not about "Hushing" and "Playing"

They know that.
But what they don't know
Is that I know too.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

This is the one where I'm supposed to pick a picture, HUH?

You all terribly awesome poets voted and it was decided. I am supposed to pick a picture to inspire you to create great (or terrible) things. That's a very heavy responsibility, but I think I'm up for it. We'll start slow. Here's the first four. I'll post more in a week. Start with one, or combine all for more inspiration. And of course, I don't have to be the only one posting photos. If anyone else has any good ones, feel free to post and write. Or if you have any suggestions, feel free to do that too in the comments.

Lafayette, Louisiana post Hurricane Rita

Demolition at its very core (or shall I say, CORPS, haha)
Lafayette, LA October 2006

Giraffe at the Como Zoo, St. Paul, MN
Fall 2008

I wonder....
Girl at Zoo with sucker
Fall 2008

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vampire Sleep

Your appearance was the kiss of death.

But I digress--

To fully comprehend, we must flash
to a lonely room, a twilight ago
Quiet at first listen

Motionless on the bed
stiff arms of stone
heavy, folded across a ribcage
that rises and falls because it must

The quiet melts away 
replaced by the muffled sirens in the night
stirred up by the moonlit covens of
sunless revelers 
Replaced by shrieks and moans
of an faux-orgasmic former virgin a floor below
willingly ravaged by the eighteen-year-old vampire-- 
A thousand former virgins won't slake his thirst

Replaced by the sound of time

time measured in eons

Left alone with thoughts
that sink into the mind like
elongated canines in the jugular

And then--the sun--

At last, sleep...


Snapshot of Love #1

We sat in silence
Chewing spinach like meditation
Hair like sunset
Eyes like fire
Freckles like landmines
Though truth be told
My salad had me just as interested

From the corner of my ear
The sound
Buzzing toward us
A yellow jacket decided to make its home
On the edge of my tray
Of all places
I nudge with my fork
I coax away with my eyes
To no avail
It climbs ever closer
The girl and I
We make eye contact
She sees it too
With confident hands
A paper napkin in the right
A knife in the left
She gently guides it into a brown envelope
Will she crush it?
My worried heart taps out Morse code
But no!
She arises from her seat
She smiles
She exits the cafeteria
I am only able to watch her glide away
Walking as gracefully
As the young Jesus on water
To set the hornet free outside
Bearing witness to the birth of a Bodhisattva