Thursday, October 1, 2009

Snapshot of Love #1

We sat in silence
Chewing spinach like meditation
Hair like sunset
Eyes like fire
Freckles like landmines
Though truth be told
My salad had me just as interested

From the corner of my ear
The sound
Buzzing toward us
A yellow jacket decided to make its home
On the edge of my tray
Of all places
I nudge with my fork
I coax away with my eyes
To no avail
It climbs ever closer
The girl and I
We make eye contact
She sees it too
With confident hands
A paper napkin in the right
A knife in the left
She gently guides it into a brown envelope
Will she crush it?
My worried heart taps out Morse code
But no!
She arises from her seat
She smiles
She exits the cafeteria
I am only able to watch her glide away
Walking as gracefully
As the young Jesus on water
To set the hornet free outside
Bearing witness to the birth of a Bodhisattva

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