Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ode to Unemployment

Unemployment oh how you doth protest
I have a love and hate relationship with you
On one hand
I have so much time
On the other
I have no money
I have no purpose
Should I...
Make music?
Or should I just...
Watch another This American Life re-run?
Or Mad Men episode?
Have you discovered Hulu?
I hope not
Because it could be dangerous during your months of unemployment
I really should...
Send out yet another
Cover letter
Mission statement
Letter of purpose
Life statement
Contemplate my self worth
Let's not
I'd rather not
I'd rather join a gym
Take a YOGA class
Go for a run
Or maybe just a walk
Let's see how long before anyone notices
I'm not paying them back
I'm not paying my rent
Or bills
Or dropping off the face of the earth
Unemployment is fun
It's a quest for new opportunity
Or some other bullshit line
They are feeding you kids now
I'll shut up now
This is my ode to unemployment


  1. like the lists of things that are in here, good work! by the way, you owe me money...

  2. LOL Al Pal you are too much. :) Owe you money my ass. (Or do I really?)
