Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What's for lunch?

What's for lunch?
Sadie asked
One hot bright southern summer day
I really want to know

We waited in line
The sun baked down to cook our necks
Until we were given
The all clear to go

In the doors and through the line
Of the camp cafeteria line
"Taco Stew"
Said head cook Janet

Ewwwww! I heard a couple of girls shriek
Why the sour face?
Taco stew melts on your plate
Satisfies until it melts in your tummy

The idea behind a good taco stew is to stir it all around
I learned this from an experienced girl scout
Who probably wrote a book on it
You stir and you stir
Until you can no longer tell the difference between

The beef and
the beans
the cheese and the
sour cream
the salsa and tomatoes
the olives

Soft or hard shell, why that's all up to you
Just specify when you give your order
To the chef
Behind the buffet

The secret is really no secret at all
It mushes together into one yummy paste
Until you get one spectacular taste

There is just one kink in the plan
The mixture leaves you stuffed full to the brim
You better not sink when you go to swim
Lethargy takes over in the sun
After lunch and turtle time
You are pretty much done

Oh tacos how you satisfy
One last time
Always expect good things
From a taco lunch
At camp

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