Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gregarious G-Chat Garrulity

(An alliterative g-chat battle between myself and bikenhorst)

Brent Eikenhorst: right

the conditioner helps create more friction with your fingers to remove dirt and other stuff

me: hmmm

interesting follicle philosophy

Brent Eikenhorst: i didnt invent it

i learned it on the internet

me: following the follicle philosophy of former freedom-hair fighters


Brent Eikenhorst: only took 2 minutes to get that alliteritive sentence out

me: well

i am doing other things

i would say 1 minute

i looked up faustian

too tough to work in there

Brent Eikenhorst: in where?

me: in my alliterative statement

Brent Eikenhorst: i'd imagine it inconveniences individuals

me: that was good

though i'd doesnt fit

Brent Eikenhorst: subjects starting sentences sometimes sound silly

me: really? rarely reticent remarks revoke rambling reiterations

Brent Eikenhorst: alliterative allstars are afoot

me: damn dawg, dontcha drool dreaming dastardly delirious delusions daily?

Brent Eikenhorst: shit son, superb sentences streaming seamlessly

1 comment:

  1. Alright, aren't aye awfully awesome!!! Aches above average alrighty!!!
