A selection of quality (and not-so- quality) works from quality (and not-so-quality) people. You decide which is which. An experiment of sorts in my mind and others, this is what you the faithful readers and writers make it. Have fun with it! Write poetry without judgment.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I was sardine packed
In the galactic tin
Gravity befuddles and
Our models break down
We were all
Catapulted with abandon
One point to
Expansive Ocean
Wrenched from the cold womb
Not yet capable of kicking and screaming
Exhaled to build the planet’s atmosphere
Braved land with stomach home-sick for water
Moved from trees to plains
Hunted in tribes
Drove hammer to nail
Was born a thousand times
Died just as many
Fingered accordion to temper the taste for Finland
Drunken bar-fights to hide the pain of leaving home
Hands callused from tending to the soil
Scars like medals of honor tacked to my soul
I was too strong to bow
God, war, and patriotism
The idols of the United States
Instead we
Served jail time with chin high
My spine appears to be made of titanium
My heart still soft and tender
I lasso dreams just long enough
For others to pop them with a pin
Still remember who I was back then
Often unable to recall who I am these days
Friday, December 18, 2009
A different take on the identity crisis
How hard this teaching thing was going to be, before I dove into the pool head first
How harsh Minnesota winters could be
I don't (and probably never will) have all of the answers
And that was OK
How hard it is to get up and go to a group of strangers that all seem to enjoy writing
That these earrings do not go with this outfit, that there is rip in the back of these jeans, and that I really don't belong here
How much I ramble so I don't end up rambling the night away
What was in the punch
That orange is not the new pink
I wish someone would let me know their name, once in a while.
That children have a mind of their own sometimes (OK, all the time.)
I wish someone had told me at least once that I was smart.
I wish someone told me (at least once) that I was pretty...instead of saying that looks aren't important.
That I can be strong and tactful at the same time, that I can make friends at the same time I make enemies, and that I don't need a group of "Friends" to validate my very existence.
That money doesn't grow on a tree in my backyard and that digging to China is harder than it looks.
That San Francisco is more than 1,000 miles away.
I wish someone had told me that I was over 1,000 miles away from home and I would never, ever, need any help.
I wish someone had told me how to survive.
Identity crisis of EPIC proportions PART DEUX
You're too ugly
You're not thin enough
You're being absurd
I'm not creative enough
I don't have enough experience
I am wasteful
I am a waste
I could have done that so much better
I don't deserve the respect of a teacher
I'm not a teacher
Why would I want to be a teacher?
I can barely speak
I'm too smart for this
But I can't show it
I'm working daycare
No one wants to hire me
I'm not shooting high enough
My parents wouldn't approve
It's not what I really want
I don't know what I really want
I can't concentrate on anything
I need to leave
I need to stay
I need to prove myself
I've already proven myself
But why won't anyone notice?
Don't listen to me
I don't know what I'm talking about
I can't even dress myself
Look awful
Feel awful
Black cloud
Don't look at me
Please help me
Why aren't you taking care of yourself?
There is no time
No time at all
I want to prove myself
I need to show them what I'm made of
I am jello
I am nothing
I want to help
I want help
Everything I know is wrong
Is it?
What if I fail again?
I can't fail again
I just can't
Shut up and get over yourself
Identity crisis of EPIC proportions
My milk is two days old
And I knew no one
I walked back to my car alone
To drive back to my house
That I rent from the guy who was supposed to show up
That sounds different than the way it is supposed to
I’m not involved
With anyone in any way
I loved listening to stories from staff
Meeting people I haven’t met before
Still I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wasn’t supposed to be there
I don’t belong
To anyone
Not even myself
Saturday, December 12, 2009
my eyes have changed.
from HZL to GRN,
according to my drivers license.
i secretly scribbled down the change of color
as the woman looked right through me.
"read the top line" she said.
"stedfhuwldmhl" i read aloud.
but i really wanted to say
"i can be whoever i want."
how about this:
loss of 10 pounds.
donating my organs.
listening to the crunchiness of autumn.
placing old secrets in new chambers.
bringing back the dead.
putting death to my demons.
claiming silence in a noisy world.
opening closed doors.
asking questions without answers.
living in a home full of empty rooms.
desiring my deepest fears.
if only i could re-invent myself.
just check yes here,
no there.
pass it on.
process the fees.
print me a new card
with real changes.
and there is
expiration date.
renewable upon request.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Snapshot of Love #4
I will let this wind
Enter my veins
Let it carry me
To a new calling
We could
Cross this street
And take the bus in the opposite direction
Go down Lyndale
Until we can’t go any further
Hop onto a different line
End up in one of the suburbs
We could
For real at first
Would stay at home
I would get a few more ties
I would trade my diet
For an all-you-can-eat buffet
You would sacrifice
Red-dyed hair for
Lipstick and fingernail polish
Our house
Our affect
You can stay where you are
I will stay where I am
Let me ignore the wind
Monday, November 30, 2009
talking to strangers
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
scene from a Phoenix grocery store parking lot
Saturday, November 21, 2009
you can't see it bend it break it
mix it separate it
you can't catch it and set it before you
trick it
trap it
you could negotiate
the presence of it
the speed
at which
it grips
a sock strapped to a flagpole
measuring wind
physical only
in what it can animate
wind, wanting to hold
all it touches.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ode to a Fart
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Windy Dreams
My car had been towed
Or stolen
It was missing
In my dream I was eating alone
In a Mexican restaurant
The waitress asked me what I wanted
When I asked for plain enchiladas
She said they had tomato and cheese
I said "OK"
She brought these little sliced zucchini
Warm and cooked
With melted cheese
It wasn’t until after eating them all, that I discovered the tortilla
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It blew in and blew out
Leaving behind
Just traces
Of life
And tap shoes
They were the kind
That were shiny
with the pink ribbons
Every girl's second grade dream
Clinking down the hall
To dance class
With hopes that
She would be noticed
On style and form
Where they came from can only be guessed at
They wanted to belong
To that one
The one with the blonde pigtails
And slightly awkward gait
Pick me
And just like that
They, and she
With the wind
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Passing Wind
You knew it was coming.
How could you not?
With a theme like that,
What else would be hot?
Passing wind, farting, whatever you call it
Will always be friendly
Hilarious and comical
No matter how many times you do it
Sunday, November 8, 2009
it might have been...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Today Is For Burying Teeth
Outside my childhood library
First kiss
Seventh grade
Skidding nerves
Thirteen years
Her hair
Beautiful blonde
Eyes green
Like freshly cut grass
Her mother
The moon
Stage light
Set on us
Tooth buried
Next to the front door
Thanksgiving night
Painful transition
World-class flake
Other-world dreamer
Driving mom’s SUV
Crawling on my knees
Skips on pins and needles
A wrecking ball
I am ruined
My tooth
Buried next to the parking lot
Twenty years waiting
Seemed liked forty
Perfect piece
Fit together
We never did
Wash his sheets
This one
Buried under the window
Can still feel
Crisp breeze
Yawning sun
Gaze at stars
Spout philosophy
Never had a chance
I’m ok with that
Hope you are too
Best night of my life
Strangers held hands
Acquaintances kissed
Building futures
With no roots
The final tooth
Secreted in rocks
To be carried to the sea
To be forgotten
I covered them
With the dirt
You gave me
Composed of
May my teeth
Be comforted
By that blanket
May my empty sockets
Now be home
To something new
Is for burying teeth
Sunday, November 1, 2009
all the boys of myth (a love poem)

cynical about love
clutching each thin strand
saying i'd never lead you out again
that was a lie
time still slows
at the command of your smile
sometimes i dream running
a pace set to a song
you are strumming across
the strings of my soul
an old song made new
in a rush of blood
from my shuddering heart
it breaks free from encircling bark
just let my warm hand
brush across your rough stony cheek
and make it flesh again
fingers graze across lips
brow rests on brow
grey blue lost in blue
drop your bow
and kiss me
no one
(not even you)
craves solitude.
Little Bobby

With the success of his Sicilian defense
Trickling down to a late fourth quarter lead
Bobby the Brat turns on the full-court press
While Shy Sam can only muster a whimper
And yet
Sam swallows the lump in his throat
Wipes the sweat from his brow
His shaking hand moves his own queen
To destabilize Bobby the Bastard’s foundation
The audacity
Puts Bobby the Bellicose on edge
Foaming like a feral beast
Anger steams from his head
Veins throb over forehead and through eyeballs
Bobby the Bold bobs his rook into place
To attack Sam’s king
The usual cold, calculating child
Has left his flank wide open
Sam senses the shift
Can taste the temporary opportunity
With nimble digits he dismantles Bobby the Brash’s rook
Rancor emerges from the other side of the table
The crowd
Once dispersed and horrified but still watching
Like they could see the oncoming slaughter
But now
Sacrosanct Sally circles around
Recalling how Bobby the Blasphemer mocked Christ
In reading class last week
She is silently praying for retribution from her savior
And Tater Tot Todd
Cannot help but let loose a tentative yip!
Recollecting stolen lunch money on tater tot Thursdays
In fact, the crowd has silently developed a life of its own
Even parents cross fingers
Hoping for the dethroning of Bobby the Bully
And sure enough
After the mustering of his pawns
And the skilled control of his queen
Shy Sam is able to trap Bobby the Belligerent’s king
And claim a comeback kid victory
Infused with the enthusiasm from the crowd
Sam is swept off his feet
They chant
Thank you Sam!
What a nice ending to the story huh?
Sam forever is enshrined as the one
Who took down Bobby the Booger
We all lived vicariously through his young heart
His sweaty hands
And what of Bobby?
Bobby will grow up to be a mass murderer
A loner who picks people out from crowds
Because they look like Shy Sam
Like Sacrosanct Sally and Tater Tot Todd
Because they look like you and me
Still happy Sam won?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Soliloquy of an Irate Second-Grade Chess Champion

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
For Those Who Still Imagine
Hallowed romantic saint
Give me Godzilla
Before I even knew of pollution
Give me Mutant League Football
All exploding bodies and blood stains
Give me Grim Fandango
Skeletons and Cigarettes
Give me Calvin
The comic-strip character
Not the religious figure
Give me Holden Caulfield
And everyone else that knows
All adults are crummy
Give me Ren and Stimpy
Give me Count Chocula
Give me Ghost Rider
Give me Toejam and Earl
Give me Boba Fett
Give me Jack Skellington
Give me R. L. Stine
Give me
Bilbo fucking Baggins
This is for those that can still remember
This is for those that can still imagine
They have not got us yet
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Ballad of Lego Man: A Forbidden Love

Monday, October 12, 2009
More pictures, from the Internets this time...

Hoping that something will inspire someone; these are not from my personal collection of photos but from a generic Google image search. I'm having fun with this, you should to. Links to sources below.
Robot Love
Bird Love
Angry Chess
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I promised more pictures, so I deliver
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
the urban animal runs free
the urban animal runs free.
through gutters, alleys, and timbering trees.
she sits atop shopping carts
and then dashes for
dropped crumbs
that we don’t know
we’ve lost.
up ahead of the creek.
a chipmunk.
a small thin frame
lined with slick brown fur
a white stripe along the spine.
but now, a spine pressed down
by my bike tire.
down by the river.
a fierce white bald eagle.
smoldering wing span.
her gust thrashes against my face.
i look down to the banks of the river
only wicked wires and waste.
there is no place to make a home.
a worm.
small but gracefully erect.
digging up the soil
i pull out bricks and leaves
while she looks up at me
with a quiet plea.
a home now gone.
thrown in a plastic bag by the garbage can.
over in the bushes.
a mole.
rugged brown hair with a slight wobble.
she darts past my crouched knees.
i tremble.
at home that i am now removing.
the untimely death
the absence of a home
the removal of your resting place
this is the real cage.
no locked doors. no feeding schedules.
it is a cage i have made.
even if the urban animal runs free.
Monday, October 5, 2009
ABC Poem: A Giraffe, an Elephant, and a Hippo
A giraffe went out one day
Before the skies got gray
Could not see the children
Drive their bikes away
Elephant wanted to be Giraffe's
Giraffe said to Elephant
Hippo is more like you anyway; Elephant replied:
I don't like Hippo; I want you to stay
Just then Hippo approached Elephant
Kindly, will you tell me why dear Elephant
Love yourself and love me too
Much I see myself in you
Never will I mope about
Other creatures look so stout
Privately, we dance and sing
Quietly, remarks about our weight do sting
Repulsed by other skinny folks, we pachyderms
Stoutly boast
Try being fat and leathery for a day
Usually we are quite gay
Very quickly Elephant realized his mistake
Wondered politely over Hippo's way
Xenophobia: it was in fact his flaw
You are truly beautiful; so am I
Zoos around the world will never be the same
Author's note: An ABC poem is one in which each line of the poem begins with the next chronological letter in the alphabet. Try it. It's much harder than it looks! Taking risks here, people.
The giraffe with poor self-esteem: A Limerick, of sorts
There once was a giraffe named Jack
Who had to hide is desires out back
He went far away
And did not come to play
Until he was painted black
My Turn
They tell me I am a child
That I can't do anything
Well, what do they know?
I stand in front of the giraffe
Sucker in hand--strawberry--my favorite flavor
Hoping to reach as tall
As the animal before me
What do they know?
I learn-ed from Mrs. Peabody at school that giraffes eat leaves
And their height works for them
That gots to count for something
Can I? I can!
Be a zookeeper--a vet?
A poet
A artist--Mrs. P. always says my drawings rock her world --
When I grow up
When I grow up
When I grow up
I hate those words
I can also be a mommy too.
Can I save lives?
This scarf is scratchy.
So is this hood.
Why did sissy make me wear this jacket?
They say "Hush Child."
They say "Go Play."
But it's not about "Hushing" and "Playing"
They know that.
But what they don't know
Is that I know too.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This is the one where I'm supposed to pick a picture, HUH?
Lafayette, Louisiana post Hurricane Rita
Demolition at its very core (or shall I say, CORPS, haha)
Lafayette, LA October 2006
Giraffe at the Como Zoo, St. Paul, MN
Fall 2008
I wonder....
Girl at Zoo with sucker
Fall 2008
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Vampire Sleep
Snapshot of Love #1
Chewing spinach like meditation
Hair like sunset
Eyes like fire
Freckles like landmines
Though truth be told
My salad had me just as interested
From the corner of my ear
The sound
Buzzing toward us
A yellow jacket decided to make its home
On the edge of my tray
Of all places
I nudge with my fork
I coax away with my eyes
To no avail
It climbs ever closer
The girl and I
We make eye contact
She sees it too
With confident hands
A paper napkin in the right
A knife in the left
She gently guides it into a brown envelope
Will she crush it?
My worried heart taps out Morse code
But no!
She arises from her seat
She smiles
She exits the cafeteria
I am only able to watch her glide away
Walking as gracefully
As the young Jesus on water
To set the hornet free outside
Bearing witness to the birth of a Bodhisattva
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Vampire Energy
When we were kids
Worked tirelessly
Ensure we would
Rinse dishes
Wash windows
Make beds
Clean clothes
We pat ourselves
On our backs
Long past
Days of kitchen counters
Fruit flies
Beer bottles
Leftover from
Parties three weeks ago
Look Ma
Look Dad
We can
Play adult!
We can
Be grown-ups too!
While I relax before bed
Must think
It is art class
2nd grade
You keep all the lights on
The house glows
At all angles
As if it would
Look like a firefly
From space
When you leave
I am not
Collecting your dishes
Emptying your garbage
I am
Flicking switches
Cursing loudly
I am
Not your babysitter
Nor your parent
Not a caregiver
Grow up
Clean up after yourself
Quit wasting our damn energy